Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How To Make BBQ Honey Chicken Wings In A Simple Way


Chicken wings 10 pieces
Garlic 3 pieces, cut it thin slices
Soya sauce 4 tbs

How to prepare?

Mix slices garlic in a big container/bowl with chicken wings, pour soya sauce into it and marinade it for at least 2 hours. You can put it in the fridge or room temperature, you can also marinade it for a whole night or day in the fridge.

How to cook?

You can either fry it in a frying pan or grill it or use oven.

Fry chicken wings (you don't have to put the garlic, fry only the chicken wings because the garlic is already absorbed in the chicken wings and it will make it ugly if you fry it because it will get burn) in a frying pan, make sure its cook both side to yellow golden color and then take it out and put it in a plate and brush with honey while its hot. Now your chicken wings is ready to serve.


Pre heat the oven for 10 minutes in 200°c temperature. Put the chicken wings in for 20 minutes and then take it out and brush with honey both side, put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes and your chicken wings is ready to eat.

PS: I'm not really sure with the timing in the oven because some chicken wings are bigger or smaller is up to you which type you buy, I always watch it when I cook my chicken wings in the oven but normally it takes around 20-30 minutes.
You can also use chicken drumstick instead of chicken wings.

Griller is just like how you do bbq on the beach or in the mountain or in your back yard, put the chicken wings on the griller until it cook both side you need to turn it both side and after it cooked brush with honey, grill it for another five minutes if you like or you don't have to.

PS: I use fork to make some holes in the chicken wings to make the soya sauce gets into the chicken wings and it taste great. The soya sauce you may add or reduce according to your taste if you like tasty or less tasty. This is my home made chicken wings so I don't really calculate how much amount of soya sauce I'm using.

I hope you enjoy it and please give feedback to improve my cooking blog.

Happy Cooking


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